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Showing posts from February, 2013

How To: Get the best wireless router settings for your home

Set up the router in your house to maximize performance and minimize security risks Using an Internet connection on a single PC is a pretty simple task that can be done by connecting an Ethernet cable, but  wireless-enabled devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops require wireless connectivity, which brings in the need for a router. Most users step out and buy a wireless router off the shelf and install it on their own. And since wireless routers usually can operate directly out of the box, they are not secured by default. Some routers, such as Belkin, provide a secured wireless network out of the box, whereas routers from other manufacturers usually have open networks and common administrative passwords. This is an open invitation to anyone in the vicinity to simply search and connect to your network with ease, thus jeopardising your data and even utilising your expensive Internet bandwidth .  Change the default password of the router Here is a ...

BlackBerry Z10 Tips & Tricks To Extend Battery Life

The new BlackBerry Z10 launched with bells and whistles and set new records, but numerous reports of poor battery life mar the experience. In fact, short battery life is the biggest complaint about the smartphone. Normally, developers should jump in and address the problem, but it seems this is not the case. Consequently, new Z10 owners have to do their best to deal with the handset's battery performance. Until BlackBerry 10 (BB10) eventually gets an update, users can try a few tricks to temporarily extend the battery life of the Z10. First of all, the BlackBerry Z10 has a removable battery, which means Z10 owners can use accessories such as the Battery Charger Bundle. The accessory supports the LS1 battery and allows users to charge one battery while using the other. This BlackBerry Battery Charger Bundle costs roughly $48 and is  available for purchase  from ShopCrackBerry. Not everyone, however, can afford or is willing to pay extra for an accessory to address ...

BlackBerry Z10 Review

This is a new beginning for BlackBerry. A new flagship device with a new operating system, looking to excite the fans of the BlackBerry platform and breathe new life into a company that’s lost massive ground to Apple and Google. The BlackBerry Z10 treads ground that BlackBerry has covered before: the Storm and the Torch 9860 models both tried to crack the touchscreen-only approach, and while they had their advocates, they didn’t exactly stir excitement. It’s interesting, then, that BlackBerry has launched the Z10 first, rather than the safer Q10, which is essentially an evolution of the popular Qwerty Bold. The move outlines a real commitment to stepping forward, it gives the impression that touch is what BlackBerry wants, or the recognition that it's what consumers want. So can BlackBerry 10 on the BlackBerry Z10 give you that touchscreen experience so well refined in competitors? Is the Z10 a viable alternative to Android, Windows Phone or the iPhone? Or is t...