When it comes to Internet speeds, we in India are a deprived lot. So if news of a Sony-backed ISP (internet service provider), called So-net Entertainment, launching the “world’s fastest” home Internet connection makes you want to emigrate to Japan, we totally get that. So just how fast is this new Internet highway from So-net? Well, the Nuro Light network -- which is what the new uber fast optical fiber Internet service is officially called -- offers lucky Japanese netizens connections that allow 2Gbps of download speed and 1Gbps of upload speed, according to a report. The Sony-backed Nuro 2Gbps Internet service is rolling out to home users and small businesses in Japan’s capital city, Tokyo, and its surrounding areas. Due to existing network adapter bottlenecks in most devices, including routers, it is unlikely that individual users of this Internet service will actually experience 2Gbps data speeds. Just to put things in perspective, the Google Fi...
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