Tablet - a word that was synonymous with stationery and medicines until the late Steve Jobs launched a device called the iPad, and the rest as they say is history. However, the Apple iPad is one expensive device and even though it is the dream gadget for almost every tech lover, it isn’t affordable by all! That's where the plethora of budget tablets take the limelight. At the beginning, these budget tablets were, for the lack of a better word, horrible. Why? Well for starters they ran smartphone OSes and the utility you derived from them was zilch. Fast forward two years and we have a different scenario. The phase of bad first generation tablets has passed; we have tablets that are not only affordable but boast of decent power under the hood. The best part is that these devices run on Google’s Android OS, which gets the job done really well, especially if the device runs Android 4.0 ICS. If you are one who is testing the tablet waters and doesn't want to drop...
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